Each act will perform once, and judges will chose their top five entrants to perform one more song in the top finals. The audience's applause will determine the winner.The current lineup of faculty and staff members includes two-time Faculty Idol champion (2008, 2010) and great Music teacher Matt Doherty, 2007 winner and Career and Technical Education Chair Ken Ferry, Math teacher Ashley Good and English teacher Phil Lazzari.
Judging the competition will be Fine Arts Chair David Nommensen (as Randy Jackson), English teacher Marek Dron (as Steven Tyler) and Spanish teacher Christie Klingsporn (as Jennifer Lopez). Science teacher Scott Collins (as Ryan Seacrest) will host the event, and will be assisted by seniors Kevin Driscoll and Rhiannon Lindgren.
Faculty Idol 6 will kick off with a special performance from the group Out of Synch, which includes last year's champion, English teacher Jon DeGuzman.
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