Eliza Doolittle is this summer's pop impression. Her debut album raced to number three in the UK charts, turning the airwaves peachy with its feel-good hooks and recession-defying lyrics: Don't require no moneybox/ Cos I've got all I need/ Right here with you, my dear.A BBC reviewer described her disobediently English singing voice as 'a beautiful, expressive thing, high and clear with an infrequent emotive crack.
And so it should be, for Eliza's mother is Frances Ruffelle, star of musical theatre, and her grandmother is Sylvia little, founder of the eponymous theatre school. But Eliza, 22, is no polished stage school formation (interestingly, despite her palpable theatricality, Eliza's parents decided not to send her to the alma mater). In person she has a faintly gruff, teenage manner that masks, I think, a thoughtful confidence. And although she has, almost unavoidably, been compared to Lily Allen, Eliza has a different appeal.